STEM Middle School Students

Appalachian STEM Academy

Who: Rising 7-9th Grade Students in Appalachia

When: July 6-12, 2024 (Session 1) and July 13-19, 2024 (Session 2)

Where: Oak Ridge Associated Universities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Application Deadline: February 2, 2024

The Appalachian STEM Academy will allow 52 middle school students—26 during each session—to tour research divisions and energy facilities at ORNL, as well as experience other physical and environmental resources of the Tennessee Valley Corridor. In an indoor/outdoor research environment, students will engage in creative problem solving as they meet and interact with internationally recognized scientists.

The students selected will include those who have potential but may need additional encouragement to have their interest piqued to succeed academically—particularly in the STEM fields—and professionally. This is an opportunity for students to see possibilities outside of their region, meet and interact with other students from the 13 Appalachian states, and take the knowledge and experiences back to their fellow students and communities.

The Academy’s research and engineering design curriculum will focus on emerging technologies. Simulation, visualization, and virtual access to laboratory resources and scientists will be used by students to collect data, analyze information, communicate with others, debate findings, and disseminate the results of their research. Students will design hands-on models using the engineering design method, collect and evaluate data, and relate research experiences to the larger issues involved with the uses of these emerging technologies.