Access to Capital Program

ARC’s Access to Capital Program is firmly rooted in a long-standing commitment to building Appalachian businesses and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Initially, the program was launched to provide funding for community-focused organizations that seek to close credit and capital gaps in the region, including the development and maintenance of ARC-supported revolving loan funds.

The program evolved to incorporate additional types of equity financing and programming, such as microenterprise lending and community development venture funds. These programs are intended to fill the gaps of conventional lending programs by offering greater flexibility and accessibility for a diverse client base.

Over the years, ARC’s Access to Capital funding has helped create jobs, diversify the business community, and increase Appalachian entrepreneurship by providing ample access to capital and credit. Beyond providing funds, ARC works to safeguard investments and ensure continued success by offering technical assistance and implementation grants for fund start-up or operational costs. Access to Capital awards either begin at the state level and receive ARC Area Development funding, or are applied for through our ARISE and POWER Initiatives.


Access to Capital Video Series

Learn more about ARC’s Access to Capital program – specifically, how to apply for an Access to Capital grant and how to comply with post-award requirements – by watching this video series made in collaboration with our DDAA partners.

Investments in Action

Access to Capital Success Stories

With ARC support, entrepreneurs have created jobs, diversified business opportunities, and created an entrepreneurial ecosystem throughout Appalachia.

Contact Us

To learn more about the Access to Capital Program, please email us at