Each fiscal year, ARC evaluates economic data and categorizes the economic status of each county in the Appalachian Region as distressed, at-risk, transitional, competitive, or attainment. Each economic designation has a different match rate, which determines the amount of funding that ARC is able to provide. A grant’s final match rate is determined by the economic designations of the proposed service area, which may include multiple counties, each with a different economic status. Projects serving counties experiencing higher levels of economic distress are eligible for more funding from ARC and a lower required match rate.
Interactive Map of County Economic Status and Distressed Areas, FY 2025
Current ARC Match Rates
These percentages apply to single county projects. The match percentage for multi-county projects will be determined on a project-by-project basis. Contact your state program manager for help in determining the match required for your project.

Multi-County Projects
The following special rules apply to projects carried out in more than one county.
Projects With Distressed Counties
If there is a distressed county in a project:
- and at least half the counties are distressed, the project may be funded at up to 80% of project costs;
- and at least half the counties are in some combination of distressed and at-risk, ARC assistance can be the higher of 70% of project costs or the average percentage applicable to the various counties in the project;
- but fewer than half the counties are distressed or are in combination of distressed/at-risk, ARC assistance can be the higher of 50% of project costs or the average percentage applicable to the various counties in the project.
Note: Projects located in an attainment county usually are not eligible for ARC funding. However, projects that serve a distressed county and an attainment county may be eligible.
Projects With At-Risk Counties
If there is no competitive county or attainment county in a project, and at least half the counties are at-risk, the project may be funded at up to 70% of project costs.
All Other Projects
All other projects shall be funded at the average percentage applicable to the various counties in the project; except that the portion of a project, which is attributable to an attainment county in a project not including a distressed county, shall be considered ineligible for ARC assistance, and may not be considered for matching purposes. (See Section 7.3 (f) of the ARC Code.)
For more information, refer to the ARC Code or contact your state program manager.

Match Rate Calculator
ARC funding requires an applicant match for all project investments. The amount of match that is required is based on the designated economic status of the counties impacted. This tool will auto calculate match rate options for both applicant and ARC match obligations.