Match Management and Resources

Managing match is key to successfully administering an ARC grant award. Generally, match funds do not need to be expended at an exact time during the project, and they do not have to be spent in accordance with the approved match ratio consistently throughout the project period. However, the full required match, as approved by ARC, must be contributed after the project’s start date but before the end of its period of performance. Access these resources to appropriately manage your match funds.

To ensure that all the required match is contributed, some grantees choose to design the project activities and budget to ensure that both match funds and awards funds are being spent throughout the project period of performance. Ensuring the approved match is expended is of particular importance in ARC projects, given the match requirement for ARC awards described above.

Documenting Match Expenditures

Recipients and subrecipients must maintain records that clearly document the expenditure of their match, just as they would for award fund costs. The documentation should establish the amount, source and timing (that is within the period of performance) of the match funds. Just as with ARC funds, ARC may ask for a copy of match documentation These records must also be available in the event of an audit or site visit.

Grantees are responsible for ensuring the award’s match requirement has been met, including when the grantee has a subrecipient.

For projects with subawards, the grantee must still ensure an adequate match is expended by the end of the project period, and that any match provided by subrecipients is properly documented. This may necessitate liaising with the subrecipient to ensure they understand the applicable requirements of the Uniform Guidance.

For more guidance, see chapter 8 and chapter 15 of our Grants Compliance Guide.

State program managers can assist with answering questions about match requirements and helping you find sources of match funds. See additional match resources below and all available resources for current ARC grantees here.

Match Resources