Workforce Training and Education

WORC: Project Development Considerations from Grantee Lessons Learned

Join ARC and our technical assistance provider, Chamberlin/Dunn LLC, for this TA webinar to support Appalachian Region applicants for the 2024 Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC Round 6) funding opportunity. The live webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29, from 12:00-1:00 EDT and will cover funding opportunity basics…

INSPIRE 2024 Pre-Application Workshop

Join Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) for a virtual workshop to learn more about ARC’s Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) Initiative. Sessions will provide applicants the opportunity to better understand the INSPIRE Initiative and what makes a well-rounded application, hear an overview of the key…

ARC WORC Pre-Application Webinar

Join this ARC webinar to learn more about the recently-released Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC) Initiative. We will give an overview of the WORC initiative and provide prospective applicants with key points to consider when developing their applications,…

WORC Round 5 Potential Applicant Webinar

The Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC) Initiative enables impacted communities to propose projects that demonstrate the alignment of regionally driven, comprehensive approaches to addressing economic distress and the necessary workforce development activities to ensure a workforce capable of succeeding in current and future job opportunities. This webinar is…

Stop 1: Workforce Ecosystems

ARC is hitting the road to further showcase the five goals of our 2022-2026 strategic plan – Appalachia Envisioned – and stop #1 on the roadshow will focus on building workforce ecosystems. This event will feature governors, workforce development pros, and community members from Maryland, New…

WORC Pre-Application Webinars

Join us for a series of five coffee break webinars to prepare a grant proposal under the Workforce Opportunity for Rural Communities (WORC), a U.S. Department of Labor initiative for the Appalachian and Delta Regions. Our WORC technical assistance provider, Chamberlin/Dunn, will provide informational sessions on the nuts and…

Informing Improvements to Career and Technical Education Programs

Join state and district leaders, researchers, and other stakeholders for a webinar on creating exceptional career and technical education (CTE) programs that prepare students for high-demand careers. Presenters will share real-world examples from three Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) studies that used participant data to inform CTE program improvements that align…