Community Infrastructure

Freight Management and Intermodal Transportation

Appalachia’s 1,500 miles of navigable inland waterways, coupled with thousands of miles of criss-crossing roadways and railways, continue to offer tremendous economic opportunity. Using intermodal transportation hubs and efficient freight management systems, Appalachia’s manufacturing industries can keep goods and services moving in and out of every domestic market — from the…
Appalachian Development Highway System corridor

Appalachian Development Highway System

For decades, the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS), a 3,090-mile network of highways linking the Region to national Interstates, has generated economic development across Appalachia. ADHS’s 33 corridors provide access to regional and national markets, contributing to growth opportunities and improved access in Appalachia. Since its inception…

Standards of Living in Appalachia, 1960 — 2000

This report uses data from the 1960 to 2000 decennial census to measures the extent to which standards of living among Appalachian families have improved, and to examine housing and consumption trends…

Sources of Regional Growth in Non-Metro Appalachia

The Sources of Growth project is part of a series of research efforts funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission to improve understanding of factors affecting economic growth in rural and distressed areas.