Jim McCleskey

  • Division: North Carolina Washington Office
  • Title: Director
  • North Carolina

Jim McCleskey’s roots in North Carolina’s Appalachian region go back to colonial days. He was appointed in 1999 as Director of the North Carolina Washington Office and as ARC Alternate by Governor James B. Hunt Jr. and was reappointed by Governors Michael F. Easley in 2001, Beverly Eaves Perdue in 2009 and Roy Cooper in 2017. In his role, he works with the North Carolina Congressional delegation, the White House, assorted Federal agencies, numerous other Governors’ offices, and many businesses and communities on the full range of federal affairs matters facing the State. From 2014-2017 he also served all thirteen ARC Governors as the States’ Washington Representative.

North Carolina Washington Office

444 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 332
Washington, DC 20001