

Rural Partners Network Community Forum in Pineville, KY

Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation is hosting this forum for local government, nonprofits, and community partners working in these Appalachian Kentucky counties: Bell, Clay, Harlan, Knox, Leslie, Letcher, Perry, Whitley, and adjacent counties. The event will build collaboration, capacity, and relationships by connecting the Community…

Opportunity Appalachia Investor Convening

Opportunity Appalachia brings new investment to underserved Central Appalachian communities, creating new jobs and businesses that support sustainable growth. Our portfolio of high impact projects provides both robust social return as well as an attractive financial return.  The Investor Convening will feature 33 Opportunity Appalachia projects seeking…

ARC Broadband Bootcamp

Many local leaders across Appalachia have had significant broadband work added to their plates recently. If it feels like you have been asked to become a broadband expert overnight — we’re here to help. Understanding the vast array of broadband funding opportunities available, and knowing how to navigate the partnerships…

Introduction to Grant Writing and Federal Grants

Join SOAR for a Grants 101 and 201 Workshop in Morehead (Morehead State University, Adron Doran University Center, 150 University Blvd., Morehead, KY 40351). This hands-on introduction to grant writing will provide the steps and resources to compete and secure grant dollars.   Registration is just $25. A limited number of…

Introduction to Grant Writing and Federal Grants

Join SOAR for a Grants 101 and 201 Workshop in Hazard (Hazard Community & Technical College, Jolly Classroom Center, Room 208One Community College Drive Hazard, Kentucky 41701). This hands-on introduction to grant writing will provide the steps and resources to compete and secure grant dollars.   Registration is just $25. A limited…

Appalachian Gathering for Recovery Solutions – Second Edition

In-person and virtual options available! The Appalachian Gathering for Recovery Solutions – second edition seeks to provide opportunities for in-person communication and networking by bringing representatives from all recovery programs and resources in Eastern Kentucky together for a free one-day gathering on March 9, 2023, at the Union College campus…

INSPIRE Grant Writing Workshop

The Investments Supporting Partnerships In Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) Initiative provides funding to address the substance use disorder crisis across Appalachia by creating or expanding a recovery ecosystem that will lead to workforce entry or re-entry. If your organization is new to federal grant writing, you are writing an INSPIRE…

Designing Successful Multistate Projects: Lessons from the Field

Interested in learning more about best practices in development and implementation of regional multistate partnerships under ARC’s ARISE Initiative? Join this webinar to hear about critical success factors from other multistate partnerships both within and outside of the Appalachian Region. The American Institutes for Research (AIR) will present a…

Virtual Event: Obsolete & Unsafe Low-Head Dams of Appalachia

The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) are bringing together state regulators responsible for dam safety and removal, and economic development professionals for a workshop to discuss best practices from Pennsylvania’s nation-leading dam removal programs and to share ideas across participating states for how to remove…

Looking Forward: ARPA in Appalachia

Gain valuable insight on how the American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) is poised to add jobs and attract additional investment in a multi-county area in TN. Learn about how a NC local development district is working with their communities to maximize the impact of…

Appalachian Health Leadership Forum

Reconnect, Recharge, Get Inspired Hear from national thought leaders on board governance best practices and how to effectively address social determinants of health in your community. The Forum is a place for thought-provoking ideas and conversations. We bring together West Virginia’s board and executive health/public health leaders with national leaders…

We Mean Business 2022 Virtual Conference

The Fourth Annual We Mean Business Conference will take place virtually starting February 15th – February 17th. The conference will explore how to find business opportunities and examine the Federal Infrastructure Bill as well as discuss grant writing for entrepreneurs. Register Here Finding Opportunities…

Mini SOAR Summit

The first-ever Mini SOAR Summit, presented by Kentucky Power, is coming to Ashland, KY, on March 7-8, 2022! Join us for breakout sessions, keynote speakers, and interactive discussions focusing on tourism and downtown revitalization. To stay up-to-date on SOAR events, click the link below to…

2022 Opportunity Appalachia Program Launch

Opportunity Appalachia will host a launch webinar on Tuesday, January 25 from 1:00-2:30 PM (EST) to launch a second, expanded phase of Opportunity Appalachia. The webinar will feature Gayle Manchin, Federal Co-Chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission, Tom Barkin (invited), President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond,…

Revitalizing Kentucky’s Energy Communities

Attend a virtual workshop to meet with federal agencies and state officials to learn about available resources and discuss potential pathways for regional economic revitalization. This session is tailored specifically to Kentucky, which is home to two of the top ten priority energy communities identified as most vulnerable to further coal-related job…